星期六, 5月 12, 2007

Crystal website list


Mineralogy Database

Crystal - Prehnite 葡萄石

因想了解清楚"綠石榴石"和"葡萄石" 的分別,便在網上找資料,無意中看到一篇文章說出中國有很多商人用"葡萄石"來當冰種玉來賣舟藏珠寶網,真的不說不知。



Prehnite crystallizes in the form of compact granular masses, botryoidal, coumnar, and globular structures, plate-like layers, stalactites, tabular crystals, and prismatic crystals. The colour range includes pale green, dark green, yellow and white.

This mineral can be used to facilitate contact with impalpable entities via the visualization process and through meditation. It provides for contact with the entity as determined by the direction of th user; the direction of the user being determined by a conscious decision or an unconscious desire.

It is a "stone for dreaming and remembering". It also advances the state of meditation and furthers the avenues available during this unencumbered state.

It enhances once ability for prophesy, bringing in the aid of the Divine to inspire. It allows the inner "knowing to prepare, in advance, for situations of which one has no prior conscious knowledge; in these cases, prehnite is considered the stone to assure that the "commandment" to "always be prepared" is followed. The actual predictions which this stone facilitates are usually precise and accurate. Use of prehnite for the activity of prediction should not be take lightly; the most accurate predictions are made available when the concerns are for ones personal spiritual growth.

It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the kidneys, the bladder and the connective tissues, and for gout and anemic disorders of the blood.

星期三, 5月 09, 2007

Crystal - Garnet 石榴石

信仰的象徵 - 石榴石 (Garnet)

Garnet crystallizes in the form of dodecahedral and trapezohedral crystals, combinations of dodecahedral/ trapezohedral crystals, masses, granules, and plate-like layers. The colour range includes all of those colours listed under the various types of garnets. These types of garnets are almandine, andradite, grossular/ grossularite, pyrope/ rhodolite, uvarovite and spessartine/spessartite。


Garnetis a "stone of health", extracting negative energy from the chakras, and transmuting the energy to the beneficial state.

It is said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest.

It has also been know as a "stone of commitment" - to purpose, to others, and to oneself. The loving powers of garnet tend to reflect the attributes of devotion, bring the love of others to expressions of warmth and understanding. It is quite helpful in moods of abandonment, allowing one to realise that surrender to discontinuity brings freshness to ones life.

The energies of the garnet help to amplify the functions emotional and intellectual regeneration and the processes therein; in order to achieve the integration of experiences and the acceptance of emotions, with subsequent renewal of the aspects of self-discovery, one must re-affirm the direction of inherent thoughts and feelings.

紅石榴 Pyrope/ Rhodolite : 由於含鎂的成份較多,顏色為深血紅色。

紅石榴石通常比其它的石榴石呈現較深的紅色,早在18世紀已經非常流行,它的英文名Pyrope 源自於希臘文 Pyropos。 意思是"火一般的",可見它的顏色像火一樣紅。由於它的產地廣產量多,所以售價不高。

Rhodolite 是紫石榴中最明亮也最美的一種,它是紅石榴和紫紅石榴的混合體。由於帶有紫色及相當深的紅色,令這種石榴石價錢較便宜。

The colour range includes crimson and pink-to-purple. Some pyrope appears to be black due to the depth of the colour.

It stimulates warmth and gentleness, assisting one in the unification with the creative forces of the self. It further helps one toward the actualization of experiencing the great spiral reaching from the center of the self to the outer layers of consciousness.

It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the digestive and elimination systems. It has been used to dispel heartburn, to soothe the throat and to induce vitality in the infirm It has also been used as an elixir to protect and to soothe the skin.

紫石榴 Almandite: 由於含鐵的成份較多,所以多為暗紅黑紅色。它被形容成好像燃燒著的木炭火。古埃及遺跡中就發現了很多紫石榴石,當時,人們用它做驅邪的護身符。

The colour is deep red, violet-red, or brownish-black, displaying a resinous lustre.

It has bee used in the treatment of heart disorders, to stimulate the inner cellular structure of the eyes, and to treat the live and pancreas. It can strengthen the proper functioning of the body to the depths of the cells, and can hep to promote action toward regenerqation.

黃石榴 Grossular: 由於含錳的成份較多,顏色多為黃啡啡色,也有綠色帶黑點的,還有粉紅色等。在黃石榴中有些綠色的品種會被誤認為是玉,這一種多用來做雕刻工藝品。

The colour range includes wine-yellow, brown, emerald green, pale green, yellow, red-brown, red orange, colourless-to-white, grey and black

This mineral strengthens stability in lawsuits and challenges. It transforms the lower forms of response and reaction to loving forms of reply. It also inspires the ideal of service, providing for cooperative effort and ingenuity in maintaining the effort.

Andradite: The colour range includes wine, green-yellow, orange-yellow, lime green to emerald green, brown-red, grey-green, dark green, brown, grey-black and black.

This mineral works mainly to stabilize and enhance the male qualities; hence, providing strength, stamina, courage, etc.

One type of Andradite is know as demantoid garnet. Demantoid is a green colour, within this garnet is a twist of green fire, a "coal" fire which generates energy at an atomically high-powered rate of oscillation.

Andradite also enhances the attractive aspects in relationships, attracting to one not that which is necessarily wanted, but binging into ones life that which is essential for ones development.

綠石榴 Uvarovite: 由於含鈣的成份較多,所以它有美觀的翠綠色被譽為綠色的水果。 綠色石榴石在數十年前才被發現, 地點在非洲肯亞的國家公園Tsavo,因此它被命名為 Tsavolite。它的綠色與優質的綠色電氣石相似,有時會被誤認為是非洲綠寶石。綠石榴多數比較小,很少有大於1克拉的,由於綠石榴的礦藏少,所以它是石榴家族中第二昂貴的品種。


Uvarovite is the name given to green Calcium Chromium garnets. The name has frequently been misused in the past to refer to other green and/or chromium-rich garnets, many so-called 'Uvarovites' are actually Chromian Grossular, Chromian Pyrope or the Magnesium Chromium garnet, Knorringite.

The colour range includes orange, orange-red, red, red-brown, brown and red with a tinge of violet.

It can be used to initiate the analytical processes of the mind, bringing precise independence in discovery, and facilitating exploration within, the analytical and rational realms.

Spessartine has been used in the treatment of lactose intolerance and to assist in the remediation of deficiencies in calcium metabolism.

石榴石是化學成分比較複雜的硅酸鹽礦物,通常用A3B2[SiO4]3表示。其中A表示Ca2+ 、Mg2+、Fe2+、 Mn2+等二價陽離子,B表示Al3+、Fe3+、Cr3+等三價陽離子。屬等軸晶系。晶體形態呈菱形十二面體、四角三八面體或二者的聚形。集合體為粒狀 或塊狀。

石榴石 的顏色受成分影響,呈現多種顏色,有紅、紫紅、暗紅、橙、黃、綠、褐 、黑等色。呈現玻璃光澤、 金剛光澤,斷口顯油脂光澤。透明至半透明。均質體,折光率1.74-1.88。不具多色性,無雙折射現象。 硬度6.5-7.5,密度3.5-4.3克/立方厘米 。